Eschatology can be such an interesting, intertwining, and multifaceted theology to dig into. It can be intimidating, confusing and even spark fear. May we always remember that while we are commanded to be watchful, we are also told to not fear, for Romans 8:28 tells us so well - Furthermore, we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called in accordance with his purpose.
I hope that by writing this series I can help to unmuddy the waters for you, to help you see what it is to be watching for and ready for, yet also to give you His Shalom in knowing what is to ultimately come. I know that inherently this subject tends to sound sensationalist and so while my posts will touch on that here or there that is not my focus and should not be yours. Do not let your emotional reaction to this topic dictate your response, but let your response be founded in the security of the Messiah Yeshua.