The Millennial Week Theory

This is a subject that I can again only begin to summarize, to go into it's full depth would be a whole book; and a few books have indeed been written on the subject such as 7K but Alan Lunn. The ultimate summary of this eschatological theory is that the keys to the end times is within the begining, that through the week of creation we can see the template for all of this world including the seventh day as the sabbath.  

2 Peter 3:8 tells us, Moreover, dear friends, do not ignore this: with the Lord, one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like one day. A verse which draws from Tehillim/Psalms 90:4, which says, For from your viewpoint a thousand years are merely like yesterday or a night watch. 

While these two verses may not seem like much to build an entire end times theory on, the rest is extrapolation and logical conclusion. Let us then look to the patterns within scripture on what is called a week, and how it isn't always seven days. 

We have the basic week of seven days such as that in creation which ends with the sabbath. Exodus 20:11 tells us, For in six days, Adonai made heaven and earth, the sea and everything in them; but the seventh day he rested. This is why Adonai blessed the day, Shabbat, and separated it for himself. 

We also have a week of years, as shown in Vayikra/Leviticus 25:2-4, Tell the people of Israel, 'When you enter the land I am giving you, the land itself is to observe a Shabbat rest for Adonai. Six years you will sow your field; six years you will prune your grapevines and gather their produce. But in the seventh year is to be a Shabbat of complete rest for the land, a Shabbat for Adonai; you will neither sow your field nor prune your grapevines. Showing us the pattern of six with the seventh as a sabbath again.

Then it goes further, Vayikra/Leviticus 25:8-13 tells us of counting seven of those Shabbats of years, 49 years, to get to the year of Jubilee, every 50th. This is yet another Sabbath year after a week of years! 

Let us then see how this pattern reflects through time in scripture, via the creation week. If we calculate how old the earth is based upon scripture with the dates of births we come right around 6000 years. It is impossible to tell with exact accuracy due to issues in the calendars around Egypt and the Babylonian diaspora, but we can come to some basic idea. 
 - We know by B'resheet/Genesis 15:13 and Acts 7:6 that Israel was enslaved, afflicted, for 400 years. 
 - We know that Israel as a whole was in Egypt a total of 430 years according to Shmot/Exodus 12:40-41. 
 - We know that Yacob/Jacob/Israel lived in Egypt for 17 years before he died at the age of 147, which would have been 2255 years since creation. 
 - Thus 430, subtracting the seventeen of Israel already n Egypt is 413 years. 
 - Now this is where many people will notice hat seems to be a problem. Yosef continued to live for an additional 54 years after the death of Israel. Could 37 of his last years be watching the progressive labor of his people toward enslavement? Remember that scripture says Israel was afflicted, not inherently already enslaved, for those 400 years. Also take into mind the obvious concern for contradiction in Shmot/Exodus 1:8, that this started after a new Pharoah came to power who had not known Yosef. The word used in this case is in your Strong's concordance as 3045 and references to him not being Seen, not visibly known to the new Pharoah, permitting then that the affliction did indeed begin to start at a time in which Yosef was still alive. 
 - 413 years after the death of Yacob brings us to 2668
 - To then bring this to our modern year we can then look to which Pharoah I believe to be the one who Moshe faced off with, Akhenaten. Egyptology is not an exact science, and the years are often viewed in flux, but by the most common estimates Akhenaten died in 1335BC. 
 - That would then put our estimates at 4003 years before the common era. Interestingly enough I believe Yeshua was born 3 years before the common era, in 3 BC, putting his birth Exactly 4000 years from the time of creation. 
 - With this year being 2020 that then puts the proposed age since creation to be 6023.

I would hope we are all familiar with the idea of the Millennial Reign, the time in which Y'shua will reign here on earth over us before giving us a new Heaven and a new Earth that will be perfect, sinless. Here are some of the things we can know about this thousand years here on earth:
 - Revelation 20:1-2 says Next I saw an angel coming down from heaven, who had the key to the Abyss and a great chain in his hand. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the Devil and Satan, and chained him up for a thousand years. This is supported in Isaiah 34.
 - Yesha'yahu/Isaiah 11-12 show us the imagery of Y'shua's return as he gathers his followers from around the world. 
 - Havakuk/Habakkuk 2 gives us a vision of the kingdom, in which the whole world will be fillied with knowledge of Elohim.
 - We can find that the Messiah will reign during this period, from earth, in 2 Samuel 7:16, Psalm 89:20-37, Isaiah 24:23, Jeremiah 30:9, Jeremiah 33:15-17, Ezekiel 24, 37, and 45, and more.
 - We will still work, but in the way designated to Adam with the fruit of our labours coming to us. This according to Psalm 67 and 72, Isaiah 35, 55, and 65, Joel 2 and 3 and Amos 9
 - We will have peace and worship Elohim in accordance with the Torah, complete with the sacrificial system working again. We can know this from Isaiah 2, 9, 56 and 66, Ezekiel 37, 43 and 45, Jeremiah 33, Daniel 9, Micah 4, Joel 3, Malachi 3/4 and others.

So, we can see a Sabbath millennium, full of shalom. Considering the example of the sabbath I would then present to you the concept that in having a Sabbath millennium it is then the Seventh millennium since Creation. At the beginning I announced the end, proclaim in advance things not yet done; and I say that my plan will hold, I will do everything as I please. Yesha'yahu 46:10 So what clues are in the beginning? Let's go all the way to the beginning.

B'resheet 1

Day one in verses 1-5 shows how Elohim created light and separated the darkness from the light. In the first millennium, 0-1000, we also see the fall of Adam and the promise of the coming Messiah, the start of dark and light.

Day two is found in verses 6-8, showing the waters divided. The second millennia, 1000-2000 is also highlighted by the event's of Noah's flood in 1656, with those waters swarming and changing our world.

Day three in verses 9-11 separates the water from the land. We see this same symbology show yet again when we look tot he events of the third millennia, where Abraham was born in 1948, Isaac in 2048 carrying on the promise and thus the formation of the Hebrew people being set aside for Elohim and separated as chosen. We also see the plants grow on this day, a time when Israel grows as a nation.

Day four is in B'resheet verses 12-19 where the stars in the sky, the sun and the moon were formed. Giving us the markers for the signs and seasons. During the fourth millennia, 3000-4000 we also see other markers for the signs and seasons, the time of the Prophets as they warned the people and taught the people to repent and follow Elohim by obeying the Torah.

Then there is Day 5 found in 20-23 where marine life and the birds were given life. Do you remember what I showed you happened 4000 years, to the year if our calculations are correct, from creation? The birth of Y'shua. Our Messiah, our living water, the one on whom the Ruach HaKodesh, the Holy Spirit, is united with and came down upon in the form of a dove. How beautiful the imagery of scripture can be!

Day six is vereses 26-31, the creation of man and woman. This then, 5000-6000 years from the time of creation, would be the age of men. Where we think we are in control, we have grown and flourished on a scale never before known in our history. Perhaps rivalled only by the antideluvian world, the pre flood world. As it is said in Luke 17:26, Also, at the time of the Son of Man, it will be just as it was at the time of Noach. A statement supported in Matthew 24:37.

The of course day seven, the Sabbath.

What if the seventh millennia is also our sabbath year presented above? It does not have to be immediately upon the start, we can see that the event of the second millennial day happened closer to the middle! But I do believe it is coming, that we are looking at the start of events presented in Isaiah, Daniel, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and by Y'shua himself, which will lead up to this kingdom, to His return at the sound of trumpets!

This is the concept of the millennial week, that we can see the end from the beginning, that we can see the season of Messiah's return by looking at all he has told us to watch for. That in Adonai's view a day is as a thousand years and we can then look to the days he has given us before and view the pattern to see the flow for the thousands of years since creation.

I hope this has blessed you, as always please continue to test and study scripture to be Berean. Shalom.