Simply because Elohim has very interesting plans for my daughter we have learned that in addition to her other abdominal migraine issues we have to remove dairy from her diet as well. As anyone who has experience in this area knows, it is neither easy nor cheap.
But, I have been learning and am blessed to be dealing with this in the age of the internet! Even then, however, it isn't easy. While Almond milk is readily available it is expensive, and soy is questionable on young girls as it is never you mind the GMO factors. And the list of hidden ingredients is almost as exhausting as looking for pork in our food! Shortening, casein, casseinates, lactic acid, lactose, buttermilk, curds, custard, ghee, hydrosolates, kefir, koumiss, lacta-whatevers and lactos-whatevers, nougat, whey.... the list goes on and makes my head spin.
Yet, when one finds things that work it is like a brief glimpse of relief and a large dose of gratitude. Even in this Elohim is teaching me to praise him. We've found coconut oil made to be like butter, ranch dressing that my daughter enjoys more than our normal kosher brand, our readily available kosher marshmallows were already vegan and I've even revised the Hot Carob to be dairy free which made it taste even better! And neither her nor I can say enough about the glorious creation of sorbet over ice cream.
Even then there is the experimentation factor. I find one thing suitable for one of her dietary restrictions and it isn't for another. So I have to play around with recipes as I did for the hot carob to find just what works, and what works for the taste buds of an eight year old.
Thankfully one of those things has now been the creation of Oat Milk!
4 cups of water
1 cup organic oats (Large flake, rolled, or steel cut make little difference)
2 tsp maple syrup
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
pinch of salt.
Whipped all up in the blender and then run through the nut milk bag to strain it and voila! Oat milk that is quite yummy! It can not be heated without thickening however so take that in mind. Mix in some carob though and you have a yummy choco-milk variety.
It keeps only for about a week, and can produce a bit of settling on the bottom so you may need to mix it up before drinking. I do hope you enjoy this, I found it frugal, eco friendly, and a healthy option for my little girl.