There is very little I wish to say in the topic of soteriology, what little I could accurately depict of my stance in Molinism is better stated by those who have come before me with much deeper education on the topic such as Kenneth Keathley or William Lane Craig. I encourage you to look into the three classical stances on soteriology and find where you stand as well but I will leave you with this explanation from The Wardrobe Door of a basic summary of what each stands for.
So, let us start with the Daisy, the Five Points of the Arminian theological viewpoint.
D: Diminished depravity – Humanity is depraved, but God uses prevenient grace to restore man’s ability to respond to Him.
A: Abrogated election – God bases His election on His foreknowledge of those who freely choose Him.
I: Impersonal atonement – Christ died for everyone, making salvation possible for everyone.
S: Sedentary grace – God calls everyone to salvation, but many freely reject it.
Y: Yieldable justification – The saved can fall from grace and lose their salvation.
Next we will do the Tulip, the Five Points of the Calvinistic theological viewpoint.
T: Total depravity – Every facet of every person everywhere has been marred by sin.
U: Unconditional election – God chooses those to be saved based solely on His will.
L: Limited atonement – Christ died only for those who are elect.
I: Irresistible grace – The elect cannot resist God’s call to salvation.
P: Perseverance of the saints – The elect cannot lose their salvation.
And finally my own personal viewpoint upon this part of theology, Molinism, or Roses.
R: Radical depravity – Every aspect of humanity is depraved, but we are not always as bad as we could be.
O: Overcoming grace – God’s grace is persistent in the life of the believer, but it can be resisted.
S: Sovereign election – God desires the salvation of all, but our salvation is based on His choice not ours.
E: Eternal life – God grants believers eternal security in their salvation.
S: Singular redemption – Christ died sufficiently for all people, but efficiently only for the saved.